Terrorists Maps of the present USA • 2023 /2024
Millions of soldier aged males have come across our southern borders
in 2023. Many prisoners were let out of jail and given credit cards by G. $oros
to travel to the US border. They will fire upon anyone, if you give them $$
Are they all apart of Obomba's growing trojan horse army? U bet!
Below are maps of Islamic terror camps, Mexican cartel camps, FEMA.
Pray like never before. We are losing our USA overnight.
Our only hope is Trump and the US "white hat" patriotic military
who do NOT see Byedan as the US Corp. bankrupted Republic President
He stole the election with 100% proof of election fraud, that no US Court will try.

FEMA is a wicked part of our government. Evil as $in. Planned US citizen round up
of Trump supporters or Christians or US patriots.

No more USA? No more States? Only Sector #'s? WT?

Wake up America & World updated 1/25/24
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