The US Corporation is now dead and the old US Republic will come back. This page should be passed around like a winning touchdown pass! Tell your friends and neighbors about it. Force them all to wake up! QFS : Quantum Financial System (Gold backed) info. (links below, 11/22/22) Official IRS Bankrupt Letter (un-classified as of 9/23) The Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission Final Report.pdf (9/23) News that I recommend : Patriotic USA White hat News : We the People News • People's Voice News "White Hat" US Military and JAG Court News -------- Learn how 10,000 elite rich and wicked humans rule over 8,000,000,000 people on Earth The first 11 minutes of this video done well by Dr Shiva from Greg Reese Reports, it goes on for another hour. Every human needs to watch this video. I agree with 95% of it. It is missing the white hat detail and that Trump is patriot US military intelligence, not that dunce Byedan. Terrorists Maps of the present USA • 2023/2024 (1/24) CIA caught rigging our 2020-2022 US elections video to watch. Proven evidence without a doubt. Allowed to leak out, you will not hear of this at all on TV news. (5/24) The US Corporation, formerly owned by the King of England, was a British Corporation, registered at the Peoples House in London England. There was a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy action filed by Donald J Trump, still the President of that Corporation at that time, in London England on July 15th, 2018 in the US, the morning of July 16th, 2018 in England. The reason for that filing was insolvency, inability to pay off the debt that the US Corporation now owed to the Republic of the United States of America. Discovered during an audit, The Federal Reserve Banks had stolen $78.4 trillion US dollars over the life of the contract started between the Wrathchilds (Eph. 2:2) and FDR in 1933 to bring banking back to the US after the great depression. The penalty for violating that contract was the loss of their assets, the World Bank, of which the Federal Reserve Banks in the US was a part. That part of the World Bank was seized by Donald J Trump, on behalf of the Republic. So that is how the US Corporation became indebted to the Republic. Donald J Trump, on behalf of the Republic, gave the US Corporation notice with the Bankruptcy filing, that the US Corporation would be dissolved through Bankruptcy, and all assets of that US Corporation would become the property of the Republic. A hostile takeover of sorts! Donald J Trump had helped the rightful heir to the throne, regain the throne as the King of England. Genetics was used to prove that he was a true living descendant of the bloodline of the King of England. That is why the former Queen is no longer in power. One of the first actions taken by the new King of England was to give Donald J Trump full control over the US Corporation. Later, as the sole owner of the US Corporation and the lands owned by that corporation, the King accepted the resignation of Donald J Trump as President of the US Corporation, and swore Donald J Trump in as President of the Republic of the United States of America. More in next comment. ----
Part III - I hope this explains why the Corporation no longer exists. Our country is not ready for the news that they had been lied to and taken over by a British Corporation, being run by the forefathers that had given our country away during the Paris Treaty. July 4th, Independence Day, had lost its meaning long ago, unknown to the population. The people of this country had become property belonging to the corrupt Corporation, traded on the worlds markets, for value to borrow against. There is so much more, but it could take weeks to type out a fraction of the many crimes that our leaders had committed against the population of this nation. ------- How come Trump had the gold trimmed USA flags behind him at Mar-a-logo 11/15/22? QFS : Quantum Financial System “gold backed banking” System LINKS - Pass around. The Fall of the Cabal, 1 - 10 Part documentary, that will be played on the EBS/EAS when ever that happens? ( 11/23) by Janet Ossebaard. A Library URL of links "Facts about Covid" - Updated Daily Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. Funny video with a great musical hook, by US retired rocket scientist : David Adair, who produced the world's fastest rocket at age 15 in the 70's, he worked for the DOD ever since : "We are Only Visiting This Planet." Kewl song by Larry Norman R U Washed? |